Op Eds & Essays
Pamela Jane is an author of over thirty children’s books, and an essayist whose work has appeared in The NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, The NY Daily News, Writer's Digest, The Independent, and The Writer. Pamela has also published humor in The Daily Drunk, Erma Bombeck, Brevity, The Satirist, and others.
Photo: The author in 1975 by Jun Kobashigawa
8 Deliciously Guilt-Free Writing Distractions
Writing distractions are fun, seductive, and wickedly addictive. And, as long as you’re doing research, indulging is guilt-free.
A Roadmap For Your Memoir or Novel Synopsis: 5 Tips
Writing a synopsis is easy! All you have to do is hit on your book’s highlights, while simultaneously illustrating the dramatic arc in gripping scenes that drive the plot and convey the universal appeal of the story in the voice and style of your original piece. And don’t forget to demonstrate your stunning mastery of the marketplace.