Op Eds & Essays
Pamela Jane is an author of over thirty children’s books, and an essayist whose work has appeared in The NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, The NY Daily News, Writer's Digest, The Independent, and The Writer. Pamela has also published humor in The Daily Drunk, Erma Bombeck, Brevity, The Satirist, and others.
Photo: The author in 1975 by Jun Kobashigawa

The Perils of Publishing: A Hidden Gift
Rejections and Setbacks Hurt, But Given Time, They Make Great Stories
Rejections and Setbacks Hurt, But Given Time, They Make Great Stories
Panic Is My Writing Process
It was easy to slip into the holiday spirit on a gray November morning as I sat down with pen and paper by the glowing wood stove. But after several hours of scribbling random rhymes, I started to panic.